Mini RC Helicopters

Posted on | Tuesday, May 3, 2011 | No Comments

Purchase a mini rc helicopter which gives you full enjoyable flying experience. This year mini helicopters are in as foremost toys for the kids around the world. You can choose between indoor and outdoor toys, there are micro rc helicopters available which manage to land on the palm of your hand. What could be more thrilling than this?
The Axial Rotor Technology used by the manufacturers give this mini helicopter an Omni Directional 3-D flight. CH Medium Helicopter Radio Control comes with well developed remote control system which provides for full capacity 360 performance. Its R/C system is intelligentized. Syma S002 3CH medium Radio Control Helicopter is white in color and 10.8 inches in length and six inches in height. You can place an order online; it costs $39.95 a piece.
Mini RC Helicopters are delicate and fragile, and therefore need to be handled with care. These should be flown on soft grassy land; concrete floors can damage the helicopter beyond repair. No replacement or refunding is allocated for the sale of this product.
Megatech Remote Control and Trend Times rc mini helicopter is much in demand. The helicopters are equipped with instant charge system which just takes two minutes of the whole charging process. The body is made out of lightweight and durable material; this keeps the toy from being damaged during crash landing. You can fly it to a height of 50 ft for about two to three minutes.
Micro RC Helicopter is a delight to fly. Six inches long and weighing10 gms, this helicopter truly is a wonder. Tough Polypropylene foam has been used to build it. It can fly outdoors and indoors both, providing there is no wind to blow it away from you. It is flown by a lightweight Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery. In twenty minutes you can have a fully charged helicopter. A charger with Integral Transmitter, auto shut off and led indicator is provided with the toy. The battery is capable of making your helicopter fly for 12 to 15 minutes at stretch. The helicopter is agile and picks up speed quickly.
For adventurous pilots there are Zoom Copters. These are made of durable high impact material. You can fly them up to 100 ft, and that also without batteries. The helicopter can be flown to and from the place of its flying. Another new version of this toy has come up with SAFE-T propellers. These propellers give you a chance to fly them at a much higher altitude. The propellers are tipped with rubber material.


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