How do RC Helicopters Work?

Posted on | Friday, May 20, 2011 | 4 Comments

Helicopters are versatile in nature. They can be flown upwards, downwards, forwards, backwards, left and right. Your RC Helicopter can perform acrobatics for you, you can fly it upside down, you can make it touch the ground grass in one second, and in the very next second have it flying close to the tree tops.
How do RC Helicopters Work? Their workings are complicated. The smaller the craft, more complicated are its accessories. To fly your RC well you have to face the helicopter and move along with its movements. Orientation plays a great role in smooth flying. Helicopters like the RC models have a main rotor, collective control, cyclic control, a tail rotor and a swash plate assembly to beat the air and make way for its flight.
The main rotor consists of two or more blades; these are extensions to the main rotor. You can make your helicopter lift up in the air with the help of main rotor. Force required for flying comes from this source.
How do RC Helicopters Work? When the helicopter moves upwards with its rotating blades, a lift comes into being, the generated lift depends upon the angle and speed at which the blades are moving. To increase the speed of your helicopter, you simply double the pitch of the main central rotor. The pitch in turn is controlled by collective control and the cyclic control, the force is transferred through swash plate to the main central rotors.
How do RC Helicopters Work with tail rotor? Along with main rotors in a RC Helicopter, we also have small rotors. These rotors are attached to the tail rotor. These rotors prevent the spinning of the helicopter during its flight by thwarting the intentions of the central rotor system.
The Swash Plate translates commands given out by the pilot; it changes these commands into movement of the main system of rotor blades. Collective control sees to the lifting up of whole swash plate unit. Collective control maintains balance of power in the workings of various components of the RC Helicopter. Cyclic control on the other hand helps in tilting of the swash plate in different directions and at different angles.


4 Responses to “How do RC Helicopters Work?”

  1. Anonymous
    July 17, 2012 at 5:28 AM

    Thanks for given very nice information about How do RC Helicopters Work and I also like this post about Collective control maintains balance of power in the workings of various components of the RC Helicopter.
    radio controlled helicopter

  2. Unknown
    July 21, 2012 at 4:22 AM

    Nice description as mostly RC toys will work on it..
    rc airplane

  3. Unknown
    December 18, 2012 at 3:19 AM

    It is very informative blog. The Remote control toys specially rc helicopter's are very popular among kids nowadays.Not only kids, you can see adults having interest in rc heli's also. This type of blogs really helps them alot to know about the rc helicopter and also helps them in choosing the best one. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Anonymous
    December 10, 2014 at 4:02 AM

    Hi this one is great and is really a good post.
    Remote control helicopter Sydney

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